Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-background-4] add background-layers property to set everything but background-color (#8726)

> Is a new property a better choice than introducing some inline keyword in `background` to mean “ignore this one”? like, something that allows background to not override the color.

I like this idea of adding a keyword to reuse a previously defined value.  
Keyword options: `revert-value`, `inherit-value`, `specified`.  
.foo {background:gray;}
.alert {background:red;}
.alert {background:inherit-value url("alert.png") no-repeat right top; /* takes color from .alert */}
.bar {background:inherit-value url("bar.png") no-repeat right top; /* no color found, so behaves like 'inherit' */}
.foo .bar {background:inherit-value url("foo-bar.png") no-repeat right top; /* takes color from .foo */}

If the above is not within scope...
- `background-image-stack` / `background-stack`, or
- `background-media`, which is conceptually close to `background-image` (though possibly unclear we can't use videos)

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