Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui][css-backgrounds] Negative outline-offset is not interoperable and spec is not clear (#8786)

> I think the specification should use some improvement here.

It sure could be more specific, but to some degree, keeping it very open ended was deliberate. I seem to remember that @tantek was a fairly strong advocate for that. The reasoning being that outlines being used for UI purposes warranted giving the UA room to innovate as to what was the best UI for such things.

I would tend to think that giving the UA a lot of leeway for `outline-style: auto`, which tends to be used for UI purposes, is a good idea and leaves the rendering largely undefined anyway, but that for other values, given that the appearance is author controlled anyway, we should rather aim for a precise definition and and interoperability. In which case, this issue is just one part of a bigger chunk of work, because outline rendering is all very vague at the moment.

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