Re: [csswg-drafts] Disabling UA transitions for same-document navigations (#8747)

All that makes sense.  A few followups:

> We'll eventually need an API to dispatch the event stream for authors that want to customize the visual transition, but it seems better to have an explicit API indicating that the gesture will trigger a navigation (and the target entry).

I think this answers my questions below as this describes my use case, but adding the questions for the sake of discussion.

> In this case we don't want authors to be able to override what a swipe from the edge does:
> ...

I'm wondering if this is a hard requirement. What about using an edge swipe to dismiss a full-width overlay/modal element that may or may not be a browser navigation? For better or worse it's already possible to prevent navigation this way, though unreliable as has been pointed out.  In many browser implementations, users are also unable to swipe when carousels are full width, though I suppose that's different since they generally aren't full-height and it only applies when they aren't scrolled to the end.

Do you know cases where edge swipes are the only way to navigate backward? To my knowledge, browsers always provide a back button affordance even if swipe is more common.

> Do you have any use-cases in mind which won't work with just the CSS version?

Most use cases would be possible with the CSS version, though some cases get complicated.  Web carousels can do this natively e.g. [ on an iPhone](  [Instagram on iOS]( has something similar, though thier edge swipe does override the behavior and it only works for middle of page swipes.  So the dismissal is dynamic based on which part of the screen is swiped and which element is below the swipe, which would be difficult to do with just the CSS API before receiving touch data.

> I'd expect the same-document-ua-transition setting to suppress the visual animation same as an edge swipe would. Wdyt?

I agree.

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