Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-syntax-3] `non-ASCII ident code point` might be breaking because it excludes the use of emojis in idents (#8862)

Those are not codepoints that you're looking at.

// '1f485'

The Syntax spec runs on a stream of code *points*, but JS naively returns code *units*, which are limited to the range 0-ffff. To encode any higher code points JS splits them into two code units using the reserved surrogate range, from d800-dfff. You have to account for this when parsing strings from JS. ([My parser]( just eagerly converts the whole string into an array of codepoints, but these days you can do that more easily with an `Array.from(str, cp=>cp.codePointAt(0))` call, since the iterator protocol on strings advances by codepoint.)

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