Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Declarative opt-in for cross-document navigations (#8048)

> Regarding cross-origin, I think it's a much bigger discussion.

I don't think we'll be able to ship this for all cross-origin...ever. I specifically meant the [same-site]( case, the security/privacy implications there are not as strict as different domains?

> The main concept is that this opt in should be by name matching rather than Boolean.

The fundamental issue with either, a boolean or name matching, is that the syntax is not extendible to even same-origin cases like a subset of pages. For example:

/ * Opt-in for all same-origin navigations */
@view-transition same-origin;

/* Opt-in for same-origin navigations only to URLs which match this pattern */
@view-transition urlPattern(...);

I don't see how name matching or a boolean can be extended to cover this use-case. We've talked about an option like a media query which matches based on old/new URL that *potentially* could :

@media (old-url: urlPattern(...)) {
   :root { view-transition-name: foo }

But that's harder to do since now we have to define the exact time in the old/new Document's lifecycle when this media query activates. I think it's the same problem as defining events to be dispatched on the 2 Documents that you've thought out.

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