Re: [csswg-drafts] [scroll-animations-1] Should `none` be part of the list in scroll/view-timeline-name? (#8843)

OK, in that case, how am I supposed to interpret the grammar of `scroll-timeline`:

>`[ <'scroll-timeline-name'> [ <'scroll-timeline-axis'> || <'scroll-timeline-attachment'> ]? ]#`

I'm aware of css-values-4:

> `These types do not include CSS-wide keywords such as inherit, and also do not include any top-level comma-separated-list multiplier (i.e. if a property named pairing is defined as [ <custom-ident> <integer>? ]#, then <'pairing'> is equivalent to [ <custom-ident> <integer>? ], not [ <custom-ident> <integer>? ]#).`

But `scroll-timeline-name` doesn't have top-level comma-separated-list multipliers.

Even if you ignore that, the grammar would suggest that `scroll-timeline: none, none, none` is allowed, even though it's not allowed by the longhand?

> Yeah, animation-name's use of none as any item in the list (which just "turns off" that entry in the list) is pretty odd actually.

Yet if `scroll-timeline` worked like that it seems to answer all my questions, so maybe not that odd. :-)

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