Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting-1] Can we relax the syntax further? (#7961)

Yes, this was noted as the (afaict) only non-editorial change not directly related to Nesting itself in <>.

I agree that this is almost certainly a good change; it's definitely preferable that `@media` and related rules parse the same whether they're nested or not. This also makes the spec architecture in general a little better, because it means I no longer have to make the core parsing behavior of blocks depend on what kind of block it is.

At the moment I still have top-level parsing preserve the old behavior, because I suspect the compat impact is larger, but I'd be willing to change (letting the top-level context parse declarations and just throw them away) if someone's willing to put in the legwork to determine compat.

(If we could continue discussion on this topic in #8834 that would be great.)

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