Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-cascade] [css-nesting] Figure out whether we're fine with "shifting up" bare declarations after rules (#8738)

I've done the parser update, but had to stop at end of day before I could get my testing framework updated to the new data structures. Later today I'll have it working. ^_^

> But I do not know if it would be backward compatible to apply it to existing rules, and your intent may even be to preserve this flexibility to accept declarations/rules within any rule, for future extensibility.

Yes, *all* rules already handled at-rules in their blocks even if they only accepted declarations validly, so that's staying, and at that point there's not really any reason to continue having a parsing split. All blocks are parsed the exact same way now in Syntax, accepting all three kinds of constructs (at rules, qualified rules, declarations).

My plan on reshuffling the productions is just to define one generic production, and then *probably* some sub-productions that automatically imply certain restrictions on what's valid so you don't have to say it in prose. But they won't change the parsing behavior.

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