Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-1] Exposing ink overflow rect bounds to script (#8597)

Sorry but I'm missing how this resolution would work in practice. The SVG analogy doesn't hold (or I'm misunderstanding part of it). Let me explain and correct me if I got some of this wrong (apologies, I'm new to this spec).

Let's say we're transitioning a 100x100 element that's 10px blurry from all sides. This would snapshot a 120x120 image, that according to this resolution would appear to the web developer as a 100x100 image. Let's say that the developer changes the `object-view-box` of the pseudo-element to be the top left quarter (0,0 50x50). What happens to the ink overflow/the blurry part?

Given that * is the blurry part and 0 is the content, which one is it?


The former doesn't seem like what the developer intended, and the latter would require keeping the filter information as part of the transition so that we could re-apply the blur, which seems like a big change.

In SVG this is not a problem since the ink-overflow bit can be derived from the SVG and CSS. But here all we have is a previously snapshotted image. 

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