Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui][css-backgrounds] Negative outline-offset is not interoperable and spec is not clear (#8786)

I guess the problem you were referring to is that, especially with thick outlines, it may happen that the outer edge of the outline is outside the border, while the inner edge is inside due to a negative `outline-offset`. In that case, should the outer edge use the offset algorithm, and the inner edge use the inset algorithm? Should we only use one algorithm for one of the edges and derive the other from the former?

This illustrates what would happen when using the currently specced algorithm for outset for the outer outline edge, and the inset algorithm for the inner outline edge. So the cyan areas would be the outline, and the thin black line shows the border area (in reality it would be covered by the outline).


I don't think we want this to happen (deriving the inner outline edge from the outer one):


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