Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui][css-backgrounds] Negative outline-offset is not interoperable and spec is not clear (#8786)

I think the specification should use some improvement here.

In particular (and as you know), the algorithm for outsetting a corner with a radius and the algorithm for insetting a corner with a radius are not symmetric.  This is by design.  Because of this, we should be careful to apply the relevant algorithm (outset or inset) exactly once, at least most of the time.  However, it's possible that for an outline or a border, we should compute one of the edges (inner and outer) of the outline or border from the other.  (For borders, this is always the case, because the starting point of these computations is the curvature of the outer edge of the border.)

I don't see anything in the current specification that defines this rules for outsetting and insetting curves for outlines.

I think we should probably fix the specification to more clearly define these rules for outset/inset of curves as an algorithm that can be referenced by elsewhere in the relevant specifications, and then reference this algorithm more clearly to do what is needed.

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