Re: [csswg-drafts] [scroll-animations] Broader scope of scroll timelines (#7759)

> Not quite, you can have both scroll and view timelines side-by-side, and `animation-timeline` prioritizes one over the other.

It's still a single answer for the used timeline for a given name though.

> > Also a fan of a unified property name.
> OK, but then we'd have to define which kind of timeline `timeline-root` prefers to attach to, and what to prioritize if the same element defines a deferred timeline, a scroll timeline, _and_ a view timeline all named "foo". IMO we can default to two `-root` properties, and discuss a hypothetical unification separately.

But we've already decided that a deferred timeline is invalid if more than one timeline attaches to it, right? So you wouldn't get any timeline from the root, would you?

> But what does @fantasai think about it? It doesn't nest well by default, since a (local) timeline is exposed whether it likes it or not. E.g. you have to explicitly block by specifying a `-root` to avoid your local timeline potentially messing up deferred timelines above you.

The subtree happily animates with its local timeline though, which I thought was the main concern, but happy to hear @fantasai's thoughts.

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