Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-transforms-2] Syntax of individual transforms should reflect general CSS syntax (#7646)

As far as I understand it, the reason for creating individual transform properties was so that we can animate stuff without writing everything again, so:

div {
  transform: translate(0,100px) scale(1.2) rotate(20deg);

div:hover {
  transform: translate(10px,200px) scale(1.2) rotate(20deg);

Can be written like this:

div {
  transform: translate(0,100px) scale(1.2) rotate(20deg);

div:hover {
  translate: 10px 200px;

For the same reasons, we could argue that this would be even better (more granular):

div {
  transform: translate(0,100px) scale(1.2) rotate(20deg);

div:hover {
  translate-y: 200px;

Also it is more consistent with how other CSS properties and their shorthand syntax works.

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