Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] Computed value and serialization of `Infinity` and `NaN` in color functions (#8629)

> Chrome and Safari seem to agree that lab(50% calc(Infinity) 0) serializes as lab(50% Infinity 0), but that no longer roundtrips because the [required calc]( was removed.

Yes, that's clearly wrong. The arguments aren't calculations, they're either keywords (channel names) or math functions. We should get a WPT enforcing this.

Rendering is just a consequence of the "clamp it to your actual allowed range" behavior that V&U specifies for infinite (and other arbitrarily-large finite) values. I'm not sure what the actual behavior of a ginormous `a` value should be, but whatever it is, that's the correct rendering. (I suspect white? But I have no actual knowledge here.)

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