Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-backgrounds-4] Allow declaring `box-shadow-offset` with a single value (#8568)

As noted in #8581, we could also introduce a new future-proof syntax that avoids ambiguities (while keeping the existing one for legacy reasons, of course).

The syntax suggested in the other issue uses slashes to distinguish the values:

<spread-shadow> = <modern-spread-shadow-syntax> | <legacy-spread-shadow-syntax>
<modern-spread-shadow-syntax> = <'box-shadow-color'>? && [ <'box-shadow-offset'> [ / <'box-shadow-blur'> [ / <'box-shadow-spread'> ]? ]? ] && <'box-shadow-position'>?
<legacy-spread-shadow-syntax> = <'box-shadow-color'>? && [ <'box-shadow-offset'> [ <'box-shadow-blur'> <'box-shadow-spread'>? ]? ] && <'box-shadow-position'>?


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