Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-animations-2, css-transitions-2] Entry and exit animations for top-layer elements (#8189)

> Note: the only way to override such a UA rule is with transition: overlay-behavior.

To be clear, that can't override the UA rule. You can't override a UA !important rule, only the UA can override it, so if the UA doesn't apply an `overlay-behavior: auto !important` rule to an element it will stay as `none`. But the author can control the transition between `none` and `auto` with such a rule.

From an initial read, I think the proposal makes sense. I think using the term “overlay” is a great improvement over “top-layer”. :) I'm a little uncertain about -behavior as the suffix, it doesn't seem to be behavioral, more like a new positioning scheme. (I wonder if `overlay-index: none | auto` makes sense? It's reminiscent of z-index, except the UA is picking the index according to the host rules. Idk)

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