Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-scroll-snap-2] Better snap physics and customization? (#8549)

For illustrative purposes let's say each item is 200px on a 1000px wide scroller, and that the increased scroll friction reduces the fling distance by 4000px.

This means that flinging anywhere from 1000px to 5000px will land you on item 5, and to get less than item 5 you'd need to fling less than 1000px.

My alternative proposal was that having `scroll-snap-stop-friction: page` would result in each item applying let's say 800px of fling reduction (e.g. snap stop width / page width * 4000) so scrolling 0px - 1000px lands on item 1, 1001px - 2000px lands on item 2, 2001px - 3000px lands on item 3, etc.

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