Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-variables] Are custom properties strings? (#8533)

I don't have a strong opinion on this. I'm fine with specifying they just stay as uninterpreted character sequences (rather than token sequences, specifically), so long as it's still clear and correctly implemented that comment insertion happens when you substitute things next to each other that would reparse differently. (Chrome still doesn't do this correctly when serializing, but does at least parse correctly; `--x: 1; --y: var(--x)px;` is correctly treated as two tokens, a number and an ident, rather than a length, even tho we'll serialize the computed value of --y as "1px" currently.)

(The reason Anders is filing this, btw, is that currently we preserve both the original string *and* the tokens for every custom property, and this is a noticeable memory burden on some sites like Amazon. It would be good to preserve only one of them, and since the original string is required to be preserved for author-observable behavior, dropping the tokens seems like the more viable one.)

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