Re: [csswg-drafts] UA stylesheets in CSS specs cause interop issues (#8959)

> My point continues to be that "behavior defined by text in the CSS spec" and "behavior defined by text in a UA stylesheet (in a CSS spec)" are functionally identical, and drawing a distinction between them for siloing reasons doesn't make sense.

Sure. I guess the distinction I care about is whether it's a monkey patch of HTML that should be upstreamed when sufficiently stable, or is part of the CSS language.

> Either the behavior is implemented and testable or it's not; trying to say that an HTML test that exercises the area must fail because the now-implemented behavior is specified somewhere else (whether as a stylesheet or in prose) doesn't make a lot of sense. Sometimes things are just interlocked.

If a spec with monkey patches is still experimental (any spec, not just for CSS) I think it's generally premature to change the "upstream" tests. But also, as far as I know this hasn't happened to date, rendering tests in `html/` just test what's in the HTML spec.

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