Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values]: Expose `n` as a `<calc-constant>` (#8981)

I guess a quick workaround that would work for **_simpler_** `nth`-style expressions could just be…

:nth-child(1) { --nth-child: 1; }
/* ... */
:nth-child(999) { --nth-child: 999; }

:nth-last-child(1) { --nth-last-child: 1; }
/* ... */
:nth-last-child(999) { --nth-last-child: 999; }

:nth-of-type(1) { --nth-of-type: 1; }
/* ... */
:nth-of-type(999) { --nth-of-type: 999; }

/* etc. */

Although, this could blow up your CSS size if you use some huge limit like 999.


Some official and more dynamic implementation of this idea could avoid all this and solved for iterable/incremental values in CSS.

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