Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Syntax for navigation-matching (#8925)

I still don't think I'm seeing a full example here, and it's already looking complicated to do part of an extremely basic example, which suggests the design has gone wrong somewhere.

For contrast, here's how I'd do the slide-between two pages example based on the proposal in

@media (vt-next-page: urlpattern('/foo')) {
  @cross-document-transition allow;

@media (vt-old-page: urlpattern('/foo')) and (vt-page: urlpattern('/bar')) {
  @cross-document-transition allow;

  ::view-transition-new(root) {
    animation-name: slide-from-right;

  ::view-transition-old(root) {
    animation-name: slide-to-left;

Then, to make it work in SPA too:

  oldURL: '/foo',
  newURL: '/bar',
  update() {
    // update DOM here

Where `oldURL` and `newURL` would activate the various media queries for the transition.

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