Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-1] Spec should not define web exposed keyframes (#8887)

Thanks for bringing this up! Just a heads up, this was last discussed on and would have relevant context.

The main use-case where we've found this useful is additive animations. Authors create effects which need a CSS animation on top of the UA defined one. For example, the UA will add a `transform` animation to move an element from its location in the old DOM to the location in the new DOM which has the keyframe name : `-ua-view-transition-group-anim-target`, where target is the view-transition-name on the 2 DOM elements. If an author wants to do a filter animation on top, they can simply add it by doing the following in their CSS:

::view-transition-group(target) {
   animation: -ua-view-transition-group-anim-target 1s, my-animation 1s;

The keyframe you linked above is static so its easy for authors to just write their own. But some UA keyframes generated for these elements are dynamic (depending on the size/position of the transitioning elements). And for those authors need to be able to refer the keyframe in their CSS for effects like these.

@argyleink @bramus FYI.

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