Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-conditional-5][css-nesting-1] Allow browsers with Nesting support to suppress stylesheet imports (#9082)

> ```css
> @import "nested-and-small.css" supports(<method-to-detect-nesting>) skip-next;
> @import "not-nested-and-large.css";
> ```

Tokens that change how subsequent tokens behave are not generally seen favorably in this group.

> ```css
> @config {
>   legacy: 'not-nested-and-large.css';
> }
> @import "nested-and-small.css" supports(<method-to-detect-nesting>);
> @import "not-nested-and-large.css";
> ```
> Or if one wants to add conditions (which would replicate a lot of `@import`)
> ```css
> @config {
>   import-ignore: 'not-nested-and-large.css' not supports(<method-to-detect-nesting>);
> }
> ```

Annotating the import somewhere else seems like the kind of indirection that could easily cause hard to debug problems.


While this brainstorming is very creative, it’s also introducing warts to the language that are not necessary: we already *have* a mechanism to conditionally `@import` stylesheets if something is or isn't supported, UAs just need to actually implement it πŸ˜„ 

Until then, JS works fine for this kind of fallback and requires very little code. 

There are many strategies for this:

Loaded nested CSS without JS (the top-level rules would still render even in older browsers), then add the non nested one conditionally via JS β€” this may be a good strategy once nesting has > 85% market share (note that [we're already at 72%]( 

if (!CSS.supports("<method-to-detect-nesting>") {
 document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", '<link blocking=render href="non-nested-and-large.css" rel="stylesheet">');

or inserting the right URL via JS to begin with. Or even β€” gasp β€” `document.write()`, to prevent FOUC in UAs that don't support `blocking=render`.
Yes, none of them is ideal, but this is a temporary situation until browsers implement `supports()` on `@import` rules.

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