Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-multicol] What is the max-content width of a muticol container with only column-width:<length> (#9103)

Here's another testcase to get at what browsers are doing here:

This one has two multicol elements, which each have a single child.  In the first multicol, the child has the alphabet laid out on one line (characters separated by spaces). In the second, the characters are separated by `br` elements.

Chrome/WebKit render the first multicol element as having several columns (since they're using what-I-think-is-a-bogus measurement for the max-content width); and they render the second multicol as having one column (correctly). Firefox renders both multicols as having one column (correctly, I think).

Comparing the two multicol elements: the *child element* obviously has a larger max-content width in the first one, since it's got a long single line of content. But that doesn't mean the *multicol* element should also have a larger max-content width.  The multicol element's content-width should be essentially determined by the column-width and number-of-columns.  So if either of the multicols in this fiddle were going to be extra-wide, it should be the second one (where the child is taller and hence more capable of generating columns beyond the first), -- i.e. the opposite of the Chromium/WebKit behavior.  But really there's nothing forcing any fragmentation breaks here, so both of these multicol elements should have a single column, with a max-content width being the width of that column.

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