Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-animations-2] Make animation shorthand syntax future-proof (#6946)

The CSS Working Group just discussed `[css-animations-2] Make animation shorthand syntax future-proof`, and agreed to the following:

* `RESOLVED: Add a new syntax for the animation shorthand where the animation-name comes first, followed by a slash, so that the new syntax (but not the old one) can accept animation-timeline and animation-composition in the shorthand.  Work out further details in issue.`

<details><summary>The full IRC log of that discussion</summary>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: There are multiple additions -- new longhands -- to animation.  Starting to collide because data types are the same.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... I was proposing to have a new syntax that avoids collisions.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... collisions between those additions.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... I had different proposals on how to solve that.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... I think we already had a resolution to reset new properties that are added but if we want to add new ones to the shorthand we should discuss how to do that.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... One proposal by me was to animation-name animation-timeline are colliding now.<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: Is there a proposal/<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: Proposal is to change syntax or use a new syntax that avoids issues with additions to the shorthand.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... so if we want to include animation-timeline in the shorthand, we have to find a way to do it so it doesn't collide with animation-name.<br>
&lt;flackr> q+<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... I don't remember what other longhand was added, but there was another one that collided with animation-name<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... So we have to find a way how to include them without any ambiguities.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... my proposal was to add slashes between them.<br>
&lt;ydaniv> animation-range, maybe?<br>
&lt;astearns> ack flackr<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: We already have ambiguity with anything that specifies time values -- they're positional.  It's an option but not a great option.  Other option that's come up in the past was having functional notation like timeline(timeline-name), which I think makes it clearer what's going on.<br>
&lt;fremy> +1 to what flackr said<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> my earlier proposal was `animation-name / &lt;all other stuff>`<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> and if you didn' thave the slash it reset all the new properties<br>
&lt;dbaron> astearns: Something we could do in general for shorthands that could have ambiguities is to decide whether we go with slashes or with bracketed named sections of the shortand value.<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: ideally we'd find a solution that's broader than just the animation shorthand<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: It could be something other than slashes like functions or something else.<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> q+<br>
&lt;astearns> ack dbaron<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> dbaron: two things<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> dbaron: generally pretty positive about functions<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> dbaron: also, one reason we ahve difficult here is animation-name property accepts arbitrary custom-idents, not --prefixed<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> dbaron: which we now decide is a bad practice<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> dbaron: if we followed current best practices we'd have required keyframes to establish --prefix names<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> SebastianZ: even with dashes there is collision with timeline names<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: even with -- there would be collisions between name and timeline both having dashes<br>
&lt;dbaron> TabAtkins: Other mistake with animation -- custom idents should be positionally unambiguous.  Custom ident should have been required to be first in the shorthand.<br>
&lt;dbaron> TabAtkins: It's usually what authors write anyway.  That we have to serialize the animation name last for these weird parsing reasons looks weird.<br>
&lt;astearns> ack TabAtkins<br>
&lt;dbaron> TabAtkins: That's why my suggestion was ...<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> that's why my suggestion was for "name / other stuff", that way the name comes first, where it belongs<br>
&lt;fantasai> +1 that seems nice<br>
&lt;ydaniv> +1<br>
&lt;flackr> +1 name / other stuff seems good to unblock adding things<br>
&lt;dbaron> astearns: what will we do for adding animation-timeline to the shorthand?<br>
&lt;dbaron> TabAtkins: we need to decide on one of the ways<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: proposals were (1) adding slashes (2) positional stuff or (3) adding functions<br>
&lt;dbaron> astearns: given we're already in a bad situation with animation-name that can be anywhere I think we're limited to functional<br>
&lt;fantasai> strongly in favor of 1)<br>
&lt;dbaron> TabAtkins: no,... we could have a grammar fork.  If you do name/stuff you can write a timeline name, otherwise you can't express timeline name in the shorthand.  So allof them are compatible.<br>
&lt;fremy> slash is very unclear<br>
&lt;fantasai> positional is hard<br>
&lt;dbaron> s/allof/all of/<br>
&lt;fantasai> and really dislike introducing functional notations for a shorthand, we don't do that anywhere else<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> we use / for positional separation in several properties<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> like it's not *great* but<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: I think hard to remember order required for positional things.  We generally try to allow reordering.<br>
&lt;fremy> q+<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... using functional notation just to work around a shorthand thing, we don't do anywhere.  Not pleasant to type.  We use slashes in a bunch of places for syntactic ambiguity.<br>
&lt;flackr> q+<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... It's not amazing working with syntax in that way... we have to serialize the older things as older things for compat, but you can express any past/future possibilites as input using the new less confusing syntax.<br>
&lt;dbaron> fremy: I want to disagree that we never use functions for that.  We do quite often.  We have counter() that takes a name.  If you want to ??? you can use a counter() function.<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: counter() functions are different, you're processing the counter name and returning the result.  It's actually a function, not something to disambiguate.<br>
&lt;astearns> ack fremy<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: ... tagging values with function names is not a CSS pattern.<br>
&lt;astearns> ack flackr<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: I'm good with / being used to remove challenges with animation-name.  But this only allows us to add one name before we can add positional stuff again.<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: We'll have the problem that the first dashed-ident after the slash is the timeline name, and the next thing that needs a name will be the second one.<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> this is true, yeah<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: I think there was another longhand discussed to add to the shorthand as well... I think we're already in that situation.<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> we could *also* use the "keyword prefix" approach for the timeline name<br>
&lt;Rossen_> q?<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... for 'animation'.  I think animation-composition.<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> so you'd say `timeline &lt;name>` in the shorthand<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> then that's extendable for the future<br>
&lt;dbaron> TabAtkins: If we want to future proof against adding more names, we could use a keyword prefix rather than a function wrapper.  I think we have used this before.  `timeline &lt;name>`.  That extends into the future.<br>
&lt;dbaron> TabAtkins: that extends into the future.  We could add more names in the future with similar prefixes.<br>
&lt;dbaron> TabAtkins: We still have to solve the animation-name thing separately.<br>
&lt;fremy> q+<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: I wasn't specific that it should be functions, keyword prefixes are great too.<br>
&lt;SebastianZ> q+<br>
&lt;dbaron> astearns: timeline &lt;name> without the slash means you could put the animation-name anywhere you wanted<br>
&lt;fantasai> dbaron: unless the animation-name is timeline<br>
&lt;dbaron> TabAtkins: The current prefix tagging is inside functional syntaxes, not in a toplevel property value.<br>
&lt;fantasai> fantasai: The current keyword tagging is only in function syntaxes, haven't used in property values so far<br>
&lt;astearns> ack fremy<br>
&lt;dbaron> fremy: I'm still reading the timeline thing ... the timeline property already accepts scroll() and view() functions.<br>
&lt;dbaron> fremy: Can we not fixed that one?  animation-timeline takes a timeline() function and then you don't nee a timeline prefix because the animation-timeline property takes a function all the time.<br>
&lt;dbaron> fremy:  not sure if this is already shipped<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: would be hard to change existing animation-timeline property to requre that, but could make it always show up that way in the shorthand<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: But do you then put timeline(scroll(...)) in the shorthand?<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: I don't think so.<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: It seems like the logical conclusion but it's really awful.<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: The idea that if you specify a name in the animation-timeline, it's implicitly timeline(&lt;name>), the other values are just scroll() and view() functions.<br>
&lt;dbaron> astearns: You could put a name in the longhand, but if you want to specify it in the shorthand you'd need to wrap in a function -- that discontinuity is not great.<br>
&lt;astearns> ack SebastianZ<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: I agree with fantasai that this would be something new.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... we do have the scroll() and view() function but they just refer to something.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... we still have the timeline name they are referring to.<br>
&lt;fantasai> note that the functional keyword disambiguator pattern tends to use prepositions so it'd be something like "on &lt;timeline>" if we follow that pattern<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... Introducing a function that directly reflects the property would be something new to CSS.<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: On the other hand, regarding / syntax, we are already saying this could lead to issues.  I was just thinking about that again.<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... what if you want to set one of these longhand properties but not the other ones?<br>
&lt;dbaron> ... that would be a bit hard with the slashes<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: what?<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: the animation-composition is the other issue we have<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: If you want to set animation-composition but not the animation-timeline<br>
&lt;dbaron> [some confusion]<br>
&lt;flackr> animation: foo / add; would be valid<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: Going forward the new syntax would require the animation name first, and have to follow it with a slash, and then after that there's no animation-name so there's no name clashes.<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: We just need to avoid conflicts between the keywords going forward.<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: We try to minimize positional-ness within a shorthand.<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: positional relationships are hard to remember<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: going forward, put an effort into choosing kewyords that don't clash, then we don't run into ambiguity.<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: animation-timeline only allows dashed idents?<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: dashed idets and none?<br>
&lt;dbaron> fremy: and auto<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: there could still be clashes between new keywords that get added?<br>
&lt;fantasai> TabAtkins: but that's the initial value<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: so if we have a new animation-timleine keyword, and have animation-composition as well.<br>
&lt;fremy> `auto` is going to be very popular...<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: We can try to avoid clashes.  Making everyhing positional all the time, or wrapping everything in functions, is not friendly to authors.<br>
&lt;dbaron> astearns: I think we need to wrap up.<br>
&lt;dbaron> astearns: can we resolve on:  allow animation-timeline into the shorthand by adding a / after the animation-name<br>
&lt;flackr> q+<br>
&lt;dbaron> astearns: if people aren't happy with that today, we could hash out more in the issues<br>
&lt;dbaron> SebastianZ: animation-timeline plus animation-composition<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: yeah, all the new stuff<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: animation-timeline takes an auto value, conflicts with duration<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: It's already the case that we have some overlapping values and we choose them positionally.<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: auto is going to be ambiguous with duration<br>
&lt;astearns> ack dbaron<br>
&lt;dbaron> fantasai: Could say you can't specify auto in the shorthand, and if you ??/ drop it<br>
&lt;flackr> ack flackr<br>
&lt;fantasai> dbaron: other thing we do, but it's slightly more complicated in parsing<br>
&lt;fantasai> dbaron: you can buffer having an auto value<br>
&lt;fantasai> dbaron: see an auto value, say it can be a value for either of these two properties and keep looking<br>
&lt;fantasai> dbaron: assign auto for the one that isn't assigned<br>
&lt;fantasai> dbaron: by another keyword<br>
&lt;fantasai> dbaron: it's done in other places<br>
&lt;TabAtkins> list-style is the example we do today<br>
&lt;fantasai> dbaron: a little bit of a pain for implementers, but not too hard<br>
&lt;fantasai> dbaron: and is friendly to authors<br>
&lt;dbaron> (ntim asked about list style)<br>
&lt;dbaron> astearns: Can we add / to shorthand to accomodate new longhands ,and then hammer out details for things we discovered today?<br>
&lt;fantasai> sgtm<br>
&lt;dbaron> flackr: sounds good to me<br>
&lt;dbaron> RESOLVED: Add a new syntax for the animation shorthand where the animation-name comes first, followed by a slash, so that the new syntax (but not the old one) can accept animation-timeline and animation-composition in the shorthand.  Work out further details in issue.<br>
&lt;myles> ScribeNick: myles<br>
&lt;fantasai> also +1 to dbaron's solution to 'auto'<br>

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