Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-transforms-2] proposal: new "transform: bend();" function (#6293)

Three other comments:

1. Understanding use cases means starting from an understanding of how the feature is going to be used.  A set of pictures demonstrating an already-designed feature are not use cases.  If those pictures were the use cases, I'd suggest using SVG to draw them.  (Maybe that's actually how you drew them.)  I don't think they are the use cases... but nonetheless the burden of showing use cases is on those who are advocating for adding a new feature.  If you want to argue for the feature you probably need to more clearly convince others how that feature would be used in real web content.  (If the only use case is a circular `<progress>`, I don't think that's anywhere close to justifying the complexity that this feature would add.)
2. I think the effects shown in the diagrams here are relatively simple in the sense that they probably only cover a relatively small space of use cases.  It would be interesting to have clearer explanations of what the underlying use cases are and what the visual effects that designers would really expect for those use cases are.  This would allow understanding whether the proposal satisfies the use cases.
3. Yet, the effects shown are actually substantially more complicated than shown.  The diagrams show bending around a point that is a certain distance away from the center of one side of the box's square.  It's not clear how that distance was chosen or whether it would need to be author-controlled (making the `bend()` function more complicated).  Further, it's not clear if the use of a centered position is universally applicable.

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