Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] [css-color-5] inconsistent mentions of powerless components in `white`. (#8609)

@romainmenke it was related to your comment here:

> Does this mix an achromatic white (equivalent of oklch(100% none none)) with blue or does this mix a red with 100% lightness with blue?

There is this thought that you must set chroma to undefined, but this is not needed. This thread is focused on white, but this same problem exists for white and various shades of gray. You get green (as an example) when interpolating from white to blue in some browsers because they are not setting hue to undefined when chroma is sufficiently close to zero. If you had chroma and hue get set to undefined in cases of white or black, it would not solve the gray cases. These aren't separate. Lightness is a bad indicator to fix this and chroma doesn't need to be undefined in your cases, but hue should be be set to undefined when chroma is sufficiently close to zero, not just exactly zero. If it did, you would get sane interpolation (no green).

I can't speak for why some browsers are reporting redish, except that maybe they are setting hue to 0 instead of undefined? Based on the CSS matrices that are currently used, hue will resolve to 90 (greenish), not redish.

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