Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-anchor-1] Add CSSOM interfaces (#9005)

>  (aka I'll make a closer copy of CSSKeyframesRule).

Nah CSSKeyframesRule has a *weird* set of operations. This is why I'm suggested CSSGroupingRule instead.

> I think inheritance from CSSGroupingRule is more appropriate if the child rules can be of any type.
> If only one type of child rules are allowed, then it should inherit from CSSRule (again using CSSKeyframesRule as an example).

Nothing about CSSGroupingRule suggests it's specifically for multiple child rule types. The "insert a rule" operation checks if the rule type is allowed in that context.

If they'd been created in the opposite order, we've have CSSKeyframesRule inherit from CSSGroupingRule rather than use some weird bespoke operations.

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