Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-contain-3] Inconsistent handling of known and unknown features jeopardizes backward compatibility (#7551)

@anttijk The change we're making is only to the container-selecting logic. We're not changing how any of those situations resolve once a container is selected - so there's no parallel in media queries. Here's the text that needs to be changed:

For each element, the query container to be queried is selected from among the element’s ancestor query containers that are established as a valid query container for all the container features in the <container-query>.

I'll need to look up some terms to get the final language right, but roughly we want:

- If the `<container-query>` includes `or` logic, a selected `container` only needs to be established as a valid query container for the features on _either side_ of the `or`, but not both sides. So a query like:

@container (height) or (width) { … }

Does not require an ancestor container that is established for *both* `height` and `width` queries, but can select and query a container that is established for *either* `height` or `width` queries. We may also want to clarify that:

- If a container is selected that does not support all the features in a query, then the unsupported conditions resolve as `unknown`.

By making those changes, we ensure that unsupported-features-on-a-container and general-enclosed provide similar results in a query.

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