Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-inline-3] Naming Stuff (#8067)

@jwssnr I appreciate that this is your first time contributing. Might I make a suggestion that you take the spec author at their word, or at least dig into the context they provided. @fantasai has been deeply immersed in this for years and has done outstanding research on this subject.

I also understand that English is the language specs are both written and discussed in and that is a barrier to entry that does not provide equitable access to participation. To help visually describe things, there are diagrams that highlight the different baselines needed for different writing systems in the spec:

In your Devangari example, the `Headline Top, Devangari` metric is the `hanging baseline` in the spec. The baseline is used for alignment in CSS. Having specific baselines for different writing systems helps provide more consistency. Imagine you have two Devangari fonts with different metrics, you would want them to align at `Headline Top, Devangari`, not the alphabetic baseline, correct? That is my understanding of why the spec is written the way it is.

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