[csswg-drafts] [css-overflow][css-pseudo] Pseudo-elements for fragmentation boundaries (#8504)

SebastianZ has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts:

== [css-overflow][css-pseudo] Pseudo-elements for fragmentation boundaries ==
CSS Overflow 3 currently defines a [`block-ellipsis`](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-overflow-4/#block-ellipsis) property that allows to insert an ellipsis or a custom string into the last line box.

Though in #390 and some referenced issues, there were some hints by @frivoal and @MatsPalmgren that this property might not cover all use cases and we might introduce pseudo-elements that target the fragmentation boundaries. As far as I can see, there wasn't a dedicated discussion for those pseudo-elements yet, though.

While Florian concentrated on the content that's inserted into the last line box, Mats pointed out that there is also the use case for content that indicates the continuation of a different fragment.

His concrete proposal was to add `::fragment-before` and `::fragment-after` pseudo-elements. The former indicates the continuation of a different fragment and the latter the truncation of the current fragment.

My iteration on that proposal:
The two pseudo-elements represent the fragmentation boundary start and end boxes. Similar to the `::marker` pseudo-element, the contents of those boxes are determined by the first of these conditions that is true:

1. The [`content`](https://w3c.github.io/csswg-drafts/css-content-3/#propdef-content) property on the pseudo-element itself is not `normal`.
⇒ The contents of the fragmentation boundary box are determined as defined by the `content` property.
2. The `block-ellipsis` is set to something else than `none` or `text-overflow` is set to something else than `clip`.
⇒ The contents of the fragmentation boundary box are determined as defined by the `block-ellipsis` or `text-overflow` property.
3. otherwise, the fragmentation boundary box has no contents and the corresponding pseudo-element doesn't generate a box.

The `::fragment-after` pseudo-element is added after the `::after` pseudo-element, the `::fragment-before` pseudo-element before the `::before` pseudo-element.

To allow flexible styling, there probably shouldn't be a restriction regarding the properties applying to the pseudo-elements.
That said, some default styling like `display: inline-block` and others will be required to properly represent the different values of `block-ellipsis` and `text-overflow`.

That said, the interaction with the truncated contents still needs to be handled like for the two properties. That means that the contents of the pseudo-elements may further truncate the contents, at least in case of a string as content or `block-ellipsis` being set to `auto` or `text-overflow` containing `ellipsis`. How that works with other contents still needs to be defined.


Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8504 using your GitHub account

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