Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting-1] Invalid nested selectors (#7503)

Note that "desugaring" is *purely informative*. Nothing shown in the examples actually occurs in impls; we're just showing equivalent selectors so the behavior can be understood in terms of existing features.

> which seems to be by "moving" & to the end of the selector:

These examples are all showing cases where the compound selector contains a type selector. When writing a selector without an &, as we're showing here, type selectors are *required* to go first, so the reordering is required. `:is(type1)type2` is just an invalid selector; it wouldn't make sense for us to write that as a desugared version.

More generally, rearranging components of a compound selector is a no-op. `` and `` are exactly equivalent.

On the other hand, `&::before` and `::before&` are absolutely not equivalent; you're moving the `&` to a different compound selector entirely.

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