Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid] Design rationale behind grid lines starting at index 1 ? Contrary to 0 origin in all coordinate systems! (#8490)

I didn't participate in the design of this, but:

 - CSS indices are 1-based, e.g. `:nth-child(1)` is the 1st child, not the 2nd. Likewise, `grid-column-start: 1` refers to the 1st line.
 - By using positive numbers to refer to lines counting from the start, negative numbers can be used to count from the end, and there is symmetry.
 - In particular, grid line numbers are not a coordinate system. Numbers `3` and `-5` may refer to the same line, line `-4` may appear after line `3`, there is no line `0` or `2.5`, etc.

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