Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-contain] Allow container query style features to evaluate in a boolean? (#8127)

> What is `@container(--var)` if we have `--var: false`?
> It's kind of funky, but according to how we're discussing this, I would expect `@container(--var)` to return **true** since `--var` is defined, and would by default be a string value. It looks like this shouldn't conflict with `@property`-defined CSS custom properties either, considering boolean isn't an available [syntax]( type (correct me if I'm wrong because that would then be an issue).

`<boolean>` is not a syntax, but you can register a syntax which has two keywords, `true` and `false`, and have `false` as the initial value. Then (assuming we're choosing the initial value comparison), `false` can evaluate to false in the boolean context.

> But because of this confusion ^ we should define if this is a **"presence" query** or if this a **boolean query** and discuss it as such.

It's not a boolean query, but "evaluated in a boolean context", which is phrased like that because that's how the same thing is phrased in the media queries spec, which basically means evaluated without a value/comparison.

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