Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting-2] Syntax to customize how a nest-containing selector is resolved? (#6330)

I realized that the `:has()` selector provides a workaround for this issue without a new syntax:

.container {
  .widget {
    color: blue;

    :has(.container.selected) & {
      color: red; /* Workaround for .container.selected .widget { color: red } */
Upcoming `@scope` might also allow to address this:
.container {
  .widget {
    color: blue;

    @scope (&) {
      .container.selected :scope {
        color: red; /* Workaround for .container.selected .widget { color: red } */
Please note that in Chrome v110 even the following works (
.container {
  .widget {
    color: blue;

    .container.selected & {
      color: red;

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