Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-scoping] [selectors] :scope and DocumentFragment / ShadowRoot (#7261)

[Rune's reading](

> Reading the Selectors4 spec, it looks to me that :scope always matches a true element, even if the scoping root can be a Document or a DocumentFragment/ShadowRoot? Am I reading it correctly?

Was just wrong. :scope can match a virtual scoping root, like a DocumentFragment; my #6399 edits reworded the relevant text but maintained this fact. A virtual scoping root can't be the *subject of a selector*, but that just means that `docfrag.querySelector(":scope")` won't return anything; it can still match the non-element DocumentFragment node so long as it then moves the subject to an actual element (or pseudo-element).

The relevant question for `Document.querySelector()` and `DocumentFragment.querySelector()` is just whether they pass a "scoping root" to the "match a selector" algorithm. [Per DOM](, it appears they do in both cases (since Document, DocumentFragment, and Element all share the same algorithm via the ParentNode mixin).

So following the specs as they are written today, `document.querySelector(":scope > *")` should return the `html` element, just as `myshadowroot.querySelector(":scope > *")` returns all the root nodes in the shadow tree.

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