Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-contain] Behavior of slightly offscreen content having`content-visibility:auto` when UA margin around the viewport is 0 (#8407)

There are several topics to discuss in this issue

(1) Does the result of this issue show a stable layout?

If the result of this layout is stable, 
(2) What is the rendered result? (What is the final state of the content? relevant or not-relevant?)
(3) Which process makes the stable rendered result?

Here is my opinion about the topics above.
(1): YES. The expected result is a stable layout.
I understand that the purpose of using content-visibility: auto with contain-intrinsic-size is to improve rendering performance.
But if the result of this issue is decided to unstable layout, it is against the purpose of those properties

(2): Not-relevant
In this case, the element is positioned offscreen intentionally (with `left`).
This means, the author of this code may want to make the content not-relevant and that's why positioning the element as it is.

(3): Consider the relevancy of the element by intended or unintended visibility change
"intended or unintended visibility change" may be ambiguous.
Let's say, the intended visibility change is changing the visibility of the element within the viewport triggered by scrolling, moving focus, and animation effect.
And the visibility change triggered by applying contain-intrinsic-size is an unintended visibility change.

Therefore, the examples in this issue are unintended visibility change and the content is considered as not-relevant.

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Received on Friday, 10 February 2023 07:00:57 UTC