Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-transforms-2] proposal: new "transform: bend();" function (#6293)

> @ramiy, looks like you forgot that when specifying a corner the first on starts at the top-left. Your `bendX(180deg)` also includes a rotation!
> It is critical to comprehend that bending can be useful to take a progress element and make it animate clockwise like how a clocks arms move. The top-left corner does not move since the bend filter (when positive) effects the other corners!

I think that the starting point should be controlled by `transform-origin`.

And the direction should be controlled by the `bend()` function value:
- positive values = clockwise
- negative values = counter clockwise

> Additionally introducing bend (as desirable as it is) would create potential complications with `height`, `width` and related properties. I think having `width` set may end up down-sizing the element or visually "down-scaling" in a sense.

When you set `width` and `height` and then use `transform` values like  `translate()`, `scale()` or `skew()` (or their respective single properties), does it create potential complications? I don't think so. For example, scaling an elements (`transform: scale(2);`) does not change the original width and height although the element double its original size. I think the same logic should be applied on `bend()`. Besides, browser can leverage GPU to accelerated CSS transitions [[1]]( [[2]](

> Using CSS bend filter would make it much easier to create an animated pie chart out of a progress element to animate how much disk space a client is using. Additionally I could position multiple progress elements over each other to better visualize relative disk usage.

Yes, charts is an amazing use case for frameworks like [Charts.CSS]( This was my initial use case (I'm the creator of Charts.CSS). But, 3D bend has much bigger potential beyond simple charts.

> The illustration has the top-left 1 point in the wrong position in almost every instance. Because of that it's difficult to visually determine what a proper `bendY()` would be however `bendZ()` makes sense conceptually (not really sure about the Z illustrations hoever).

You are correct. I see the wrong position. But you get the point. You understand what transform capability I want to add to CSS transforms.

> Actually, I think `filter: bendY(180deg)` should render like the following:

The property is not `filter`, it's a `transform`.

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