Re: [csswg-drafts] Multiple stylesheets per file (#5629)

For a CSS only usage, I'd say leaning into something like `<link rel=stylesheet href="style.css#sheet">` would be one path, though more invasive. This allows the download of all of the CSS that might be needed for an experience in one request without leaving a bunch of unused CSS attached to the page (performance hit) until you need it. Even if the "need it" doesn't come till the loading of a subsequent page, you'll now have a faster load time as the file is cached from the previous request.

@calebdwilliams also hits this on the head for the benefits it brings to declarative shadow DOM. Having a path for a file with multiple `@sheet`s to be including once and then the declarative shadow roots to be able to take parts of that would be a great benefit to that process. This likely requires a little more invasion as it would benefit from something along the lines of as well as ensuring that all CSSStylesSheets were "constructible stylesheets". Each of these could then be addressed later (regardless of their initial acquisition) while also allowing for the form of sub-querying that `@sheet`s would open up a lot of options around how these styles could be used.

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