Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-4] Definition of `normal` for font-palette not well-defined or interoperable (#9281)

> In particular, user-agents use a palette which will yield the best default result for reading."

That seems weak, and aspirational, and untestable. If the palettes contain the (very minimal) attributes and that data is correct (many fonts have incorrect data, added by tooling or copy-paste) then it is possible that a human would agree that the best choice has been made.

I prefer the simplified version proposed by @drott 

> Possible interpretation: if the computed value of `color` is "light" (again, needs a definition) then choose the palette tagged "dark", and vice versa.

If such a palette exists. Definitions of "light" and "dark" are certainly possible (for example, Oklab L > 0.66 and < 0.33 respectively), and should be coordinated with similar work on `contrast-color`.

>> "User agents may also construct and use a palette not defined in the font."

> What would be the use case here or how would a user agent be successful with that? Is the idea here to compute a default grayscale palette that matches luminosity of the default color palette of the font?

I suspect so (and suggest that a perceptually uniform lightness measure would be better here than luminance (which I suspect is meant: luminosity is a measure of light energy and unrelated to human vision)). In which case the spec should say so.

Alternatively, perhaps it means that a UA stylesheet might contain a palette and the UA will use that. Seems unlikely though as the palette color values and their number will be font-specific.

> "User-Agents attempt to treat the color font as closely as possible to a non-color font."

I don't know what that is trying to say, or how it could be tested.

> User-Agents prefer colored glyphs where available and render the font with the default palette. Monochromatic glyphs should be rendered in the color specified by the [color]( property.

I would be mostly fine with that reduced definition, perhaps with "and _by default_ render the font with the default palette"

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