Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-anchor-position-?] Add a ::tether pseudo-element (#9271)

Yeah, I'm *strongly* for making this a level 2 feature. It looks *super* useful, but I think there's a lot of open questions for it, and I don't think we want to slow down the rest of the spec resolving it. It should be the #1 feature for the next level, tho.

For example, automatic positioning of the tether, based on the relative position of the anchor and the abspos. For "smart" positioning we might want to, say, take border-radius into account when possible, etc. 

Or for another, how the border of the abspos interacts with the tether. As proposed in the grid-based exploration, you can somewhat fake this by overlapping the tether over the abspos's border, but of course that makes a number of assumptions that might not be true. It would be nice to figure out a "proper" answer to this, even if it's limited to a ::tether special-case rather than a generic mechanism.

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