Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] Converting out of gamut colors to `hsl` can result in negative saturation with the sample code (#9222)

> Gamut mapping helped here because it ensured that any input color would have sane value ranges for a given color model/space.

Well, define sane. They were restrained to sRGB. I don't know if the tests are doing what they should or not, but I know that `lab(100 104.3 -50.9)` perfectly round trips through HSL. It doesn't appear that the negative saturation is having an adverse effect and altering the color incorrectly.

>>> hsl = Color('lab(100 104.3 -50.9)').convert('hsl')
>>> hsl
color(--hsl 311.21 -5.5486 1.0906 / 1)
>>> hsl.convert('lab')
color(--lab 100 104.3 -50.9 / 1)

I also know if you gamut map in OkLCh referencing the color as HSL vs sRGB that you get different results. I'm not exactly sure what CSS does here. Does it use sRGB when gamut mapping HSL or does it gamut map HSL colors keeping them as HSL? I assume HSL.

>>> hsl = Color('lab(100 104.3 -50.9)').convert('hsl')
>>> hsl.clone().fit('hsl', fit='oklch-chroma').convert('srgb').to_string()
'rgb(255 255 255)'
>>> hsl.clone().fit('srgb', fit='oklch-chroma').convert('srgb').to_string()
'rgb(255 253.18 255)'

In neither case did I get `rgb(255, 246, 244)`, but []( matches mine as well for what it's worth.

> new Color('lab(100 104.3 -50.9)').to('srgb').toGamut({method: 'oklch.chroma'})
Color { coords: [ 1, 1, 1 ], alpha: 1 }
> new Color('lab(100 104.3 -50.9)').to('srgb').toGamut('srgb', {method: 'oklch.chroma'})
Color { coords: [ 1, 0.9951746276359744, 1 ], alpha: 1 }

It is possible there is something about RCS that I don't understand, some step(s) that I'm not executing. I haven't really given CSS color level 5 the same critical eye that I've given level 4.

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