Re: [csswg-drafts] Add hover/focus/long-press triggering delays to CSS (#9236)

Yeah, this isn't really doable via Selectors, it's triggering a different behavior that's *not* CSS controlled. CSS doesn't make something a popover, that's a quality of it imposed by the DOM APIs (or the UA itself in some cases). So that's not a viable approach.


Back to the OP, this seems reasonable.

I agree that it would make the most UX sense to set both the show and hide delays on the same element. I could see it being set on either the button *or* the popover, tho - as you say, both the popover *and* the invoker button need to be dehovered before the hide timer starts. Since you're setting the "interest" popover method on the button, and these are both effectively just applying some config to the "interest" method, I think it probably makes the most sense to put them both on the button, then?

One note is that we don't use CSS to configure/control non-CSS concepts much (at all?). Is it needed here, or should it be communicated in the DOM attribute? Why are the delays in CSS, but the indication that you want to use "interest" method is in the DOM? I presume the reason to put the delays into CSS is because they're unlikely to be different per-invoker, so you can reduce a lot of repetitive attribute values by making it a property, but would that similarly apply to the popover method?

(I think CSS *should* be used for non-CSS concepts a lot more, it's a rich and powerful language both in values and targeting, and authors are intimately familiar with it. I'm just wondering what the reasoning behind this particular slicing of responsibility is.)

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