Re: [csswg-drafts] [cssom-view] Handling of scrollend events seems wrong (#8396)

> But, at what point does the UA determine that scrolling is completed? If it's not done in "run the scroll steps", the spec may fire scrollend first and scroll afterwards. Or, if "scrolling is completed" happens in parallel (off-main-thread), then the spec says to fire an event in a situation where would instead have to queue an event to fire the event (which the spec doesn't say to do).

Similar to what is stated here, what is the expected behavior given a user scrolling with a mousewheel in a scenario where smooth scroll is disabled. Currently Firefox fires a scrollend event as soon as the mousewheel scroll completes, which results in many `scrollend` events for a series of mousewheel scrolls. Simple tests with chrome seem to indicate that scrollend events are a bit more aggressively coalesced.

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