Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color] Consider exposing native accent color as a system color keyword. (#7347)

I think if we want the underlying values to not be exposed by `getComputedStyle`, the simplest approach would likely be to make the keyword be a computed value and a resolved value, so that `getComputedStyle` just returns the keyword.  That might confuse code that's expecting to get a color, though.  (It's also worth considering the interaction with things like animations; if the goal is to prevent fingerprinting, probably these keywords shouldn't be interpolable.)

The computed style faking that's done for `:visited` is quite complex and we probably don't want to add it for a new feature; it's the way it is because it was retrofitted onto an existing feature.

It's also worth noting that there are other aspects to the `:visited` mitigations such as what gets drawn to a canvas.  But at this point it's also worth noting that the `:visited` mitigations have known gaps and aren't particularly effective in their current form.

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