Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-contain] Style containment for counters (#9212)

> the `counter()` and `counters()` value of the content property is not itself scoped, and can refer to counters established outside of the subtree

So the `::before` can see the outer instance of the counter instead of `0`.

That said, there are nested `.list-item` children that will use `counter-increment` and thus create a new instance of the counter. Where does this happen? See discussion in #5175

The example in the spec says

> As [counter-increment]( is scoped to an element’s subtree, the first use of it within the subtree acts as if the named counter were set to 0 **at the scoping element**

So with that interpretation the `::before` of the `.list-item` wrapper should see `0` indeed.

[0] A1
   [1] B1
   [2] B2
[2] A2
[3] A3

However I think that's wrong, the new counter should be instantiated on the element that tries to modify it (which is what all browsers do in simple cases).

So then I agree with Firefox:

[1] A1
   [1] B1
   [2] B2
[2] A2
[3] A3

In fact, when using `counters()`, Blink behaves like Firefox

[1] A1
   [1.1] B1
   [1.2] B2
[2] A2
[3] A3

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