Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values] A way to dynamically construct custom-ident and dashed-ident values (#9141)

While building earlier today I came to the realisation that `sibling-index()` won’t cut it in the case of View Transitions. If one, for example, inserts a node in a list at position `x` then all indexes after that position would get shifted, essentially breaking the View Transition for all those elements.

Instead, something like `random()` should be used, as that one is able to generate a value per element. However, it might lead to clashes in case it generates the same value twice, so it’s not 100% closing. Maybe we also need something like `unique()` as that is guaranteed to not generate duplicate values.

All this to say that my initial _“Ideally, the output of `calc()` and `attr()` would also be allowed as arguments into the proposed functions.”_ might be a requirement from the start.

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