Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-easing-2] Accept `<number>` as `<easing-function>` (#9184)

Right, this definitely isn't a "number". It's essentially relative color syntax, with a special `p` variable rather than a channel name. (Also, most of your example custom properties aren't numbers even ignoring the `p` thing; they're calculations, and need to be wrapped in a `calc()`.)

If there's sufficient need I could definitely see a "custom easing function" exposed in this way, but as a specialized function, like `custom-easing(<calc-sum>)` with text that the special `p` keyword is available to represent the pre-easing progress.

However, I'd probably want to wait until `linear()` has had more time in the wild, to see just how often it's used in the first place, and how much we could replace with a custom function. If the answer to either is "not that much, only for some specialized applications" then sticking with just `linear()` is probably fine.

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