Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-borders-4] corner-shape: angle and partial borders (#9072)

I'll point out that both of the example sited here do not include partial borders, they in fact don't include borders at all. I just scrubbed through the whole thread and only found 1 example where partial borders on an angled corner are used and I would say `filter: drop-shadow();` could be used for this. 


Borders and `corner-shape` have been discussed on and off in the use case thread and it seems that 2 ideas have emerged here:

1. do the same thing that was done with `border-radius` by try to make `border-top`, `border-right`, `border-bottom`, `border-left` work with more shapes that are not rectangles. 

As I understand it lots of work went into defining how different border option combinations for `border-radius` should work so it's fair to think the same would be true of `corner-shape`. (It's worth nothing that a lot of these options are to this day not consistently supported cross browser.) I think the important question is how many of these different border -style, -width and -color combinations are used in practice? Most cases that I see are solid, consistently sized, and consistently colored. ie, `border: solid #000 5px;`. Angled/notched/scooped bordered examples from the use case thread seem to back this up.

2. Abandon the "everything starts as a rectangle so it definitely has 4 sides they just need to be defined" idea and go with more of a vector style stroke idea for borders. It seems that this change would need to be a thing with `element-shape`/`clip-shape` for sure. Imagine trying to define a `border-top` of any arbitrarily shaped polygon. The question is does this new ideology start with `corner-shape` or not.

As mentioned above for the edge cases where individual borders are wanted we do now have `filter: drop-shadow();` which wasn't an option when `border-radius` was being worked on.

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