Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-cascade] What is a valid at-rule? Or what is an invalid at-rule? (#9175)

> per the relevant spec defining that at-rule

That is obvious in hindsight :)
I was looking for answers in the `[css-cascade]` specifications and I wasn't reading the relevant documents for each at-rule.


@cdoublev Does raises an interesting point about `@property`.

> `@property` rules require a syntax and inherits descriptor; if either are missing, the entire rule is invalid and must be ignored. The initial-value descriptor is optional only if the syntax is the universal syntax definition, otherwise the descriptor is required; if it’s missing, the entire rule is invalid and must be ignored.

This doesn't work :

@property --foo {
 inherits: false;
 initial-value: 0;

@import url("./green.css");

This does :

@property (--foo) {
 inherits: false;
 initial-value: 0;

@import url("./green.css");

From the outside this looks as if only the prelude is checked for validity in this specific case.


I think the specifications are clear but maybe there are a few blind spots in WPT and some bugs in implementations?

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